The Seattle Band Map explores how bands from the Pacific Northwest are interconnected through personal relationships and collaborations.

Bands are connected if a) they share band members or b) two artists have collaborated on a project. For the purposes of this map, to qualify as a band, a project must have recorded and publicly shared at least one song and/or played a public show.

This is a community project, so please feel free to submit your own connections.

If you have any corrections (incorrect connections, spelling/punctuation errors), comments, or questions please contact us at

141 D-Sane Cardinal Crystal Pastures Your Heart Breaks Federation X 1st Black Prez Neema The 39 Steps Man the Guns Summer Babes 4 Everity Calvin Johnson 6 mile pilot Black Heart Procession 64 Spiders Cat Butt Sinister Six Capping Day 7 Year Bitch The Gits 764 Hero Can't See John Atkins Red Stars Theory classy knights A Frames AFCGT Bend Sinister Factums Le Sang Sang Rodent Plauge The Dipers The Intelligence Legit A Gun Called Tension Modest Mouse Triumph of Lethargy Skinned Alive to Death A Hawk and a Hacksaw Beirut Luminol A Sandcastle Still A Story of Rats Dull Knife Tecumseh A. Parks Le Systeme Solaire Abodox Lesbian Absolute Monarchs Das Llamas Gatsby's American Dream My Goodness Deadkill Show Pony Beehive Vaults Added Value Sparkle Girl Water Kill the Sun Addition Femme Uke Skinny Whiskers Climax Golden Twins Agatha Stiletto Cabaret Con Carne Air 2 a Bird Amos Miller Gabriel Teodros Akimbo Cold Sweat Homo Eradicus Sandriders Akrish Brainstorm Alaska in Winter Alaskas Cut Loose Secret Colors Universal Studios Florida Haunted Horses Matt Dillon Alcohol Funnycar Big Brown Music Love Battery Sanford Arms St. Bushmills Choir Stag Burning Rivers Popsickle Alice in Chains Candlebox Heart Mad Season Mudhoney Spys4Darwin All Creatures of Good Heart Snow Cuts Glass All Time Quarterback Death Cab for Cutie Alpha P Jerm Alphabetics Braid Storm Cloudbustrr An Invitation to Love The Graze Anaxagorous Barfly Candidt Nite Owls Oldominion Angelo Spencer Arrington De Dionyso Hunting Club Outdoor Voices Animals at Night New Sweet Breath Tagging Satellites Anna Oxygen Microphones Space Ballerinas Antony and the Johnsons Bonfire madigan Cocorosie Appleseed Apart Revolutionary Hydra Aquino Arbitron Beyond the Soul of the demon goddess Championship Belt Eardumbs Grave Babies Hair Friend Teenage Sleuths Michael Ray And The Plastic Sheets Convienent Mountains Area 51 Cave Singers Dead Low Tide Death Wish Kids Fcs North Murder City Devils Pretty Girls Make Graves Smoke and Smoke The Hookers Christopher Robin Appleseed Bullion Brothers Loving Thunder 1776 Old Time Relijun Arthur Scraps Shackles The Coconut Coolouts Arthur & Yu DNTL Gold Leaves Rogue Wave Artifical Limbs Meth Teeth The Girls Time Claw Asahi Grand Hallway Sleepy Eyes of Death Tomo Nakayama Ashley Erikson LAKE Assisted Living Unlearn Asun Suntonio Bandanaz (aka Asun) Asva Bandits Mike Patton Mother Love Bone Ten Minute Warning Manos De Plata Loaded Twink the Wonder Kid Hungry Crocodiles Burning Witch Apes of Wrath Girth SC3 Kayo Dot Black Horse Warning: Danger! Pleasure Elite Audioslave Rage Against the Machine Soundgarden Avatar Awesome Color Sonny and the Sunsets Awesome Possum The Umbrellas Axes of Evil Hollow Points The Seizures Azrael B Midnight Thunder Express B-18 B-Awake Bean One B-Self Vitamin D B. Brown D. Black Backstabbers Catatonic Youth Badass 24 Hr Drum Solo Benjamin Bear Spurm Band of Horses Carissa's Wierd Final Spins Grand Archives Yarn Owls Karl Blau Kimya Dawson The Saturday Knights Bats of Belfry Firechild Whalebones Beyond Reality Central Intelligence Dopke Double Vision Dyme Def Fearce Villan Framework JFK Mal Saint Nightclubber Lang Ra Scion Redskin Silent Lambs Project Source of Labor Specs One Yuk Beast Please be Still Beep Family Orchestra Christina Antipa Goners Joy Wants Eternity Pica Beats Snowman Plan My Printer Broke, ST Rainbow WAMU The Popular Monsters Day Laborers and Petty Intellectuals Tubaluba The Heatlamps Beat Happening D+ Dub Narcotic Soundsystem Screaming Trees Hive Dwellers Beck Built to Spill Love as Laughter Deep Sea Diver Sweet Potatoes Beestings Son Things Hardison Beyond the Fringe Shambala Kount Fistula Slicing Grandpa Thee Wickermen Wickt Euphondisson Krash Un Lerne Big Boys Danzig Misfits Big Business Karp The Melvins Tight Bros Bikini Kill Le Tigre Sleater Kinney The Go Team Spider and the Webs The Old Haunts Billy Patron Grynch Jesse Sykes Mike Dumovich Half Light Bird Language Electric Blanket The Popular Shapes Bishop I Black Belt Tall Birds Word Aminal Nazca Lines Black Breath Dolphin Lago Volunteers Old Rawler On Ripped to Shreds U.S.S. horsewhip Wizards of War Shook Ones Greatest Kids On Earth Black Daisy The Young Evils The Zero Points Black Eyes and Neckties Cicadas Goldstar Wastelanders Baltic Cousins Black Flag The Misfits The Minutemen Jen Wood Pompeii Ugly Casanova Black Power Arrangers OC Notes THEESatisfaction Black Stax Felicia Loud Black Whales The Catheters Tourist Slender Means Spacesuit Blak Blanket Truth Craig Salt Peters Iji Paxil Rose Sandy City Quiver Blood Brothers Champagne Champagne Fleet Foxes Flexions Jaguar Love Neon Blonde Past Lives Sharks Keep Moving Shoplifting Soiled Doves The Vogue Vade Waxwing Weekend Th Rolling Stones (SEA) Blood Cells Schoolyard Heros The Last Great Liar Blood Wing The Spits Bloodhag Say 10 Hail Marys Vandemonium Android Hero Andriod Hero Bloodloss Monkey Wrench Monroe's Fur Blue Scholars Common Market Geologic Jake One Khingz Macklemore Sabzi The Physics Viper Creek Club The U Crew Nam Logics Bobcats Oh Man! Book of Black Earth King Dude River Rats Samothrace Splatter House Teen Cthulhu Countdown to Armageddon Boom Bap Project Botch Himsa Minus the Bear Roy These Arms are Snakes Russian Circles Bow and Arrow Brain Fruit Augustus Sweetheart Eel Eater GRR Wet Paint Midday Veil Spaceman Spaid Wizdom Brawny Banks Cobra High Break Off The Love Lights Brendan Daniels and Everybody Gets Laid Brendan Daniels and the Chics Thunder Buffalo Man Sized Heartache Brent Amaker and the Rodeo Dorkweed Rosyvelt The Levitations Hart And The Hurricane The Drop Britannica of Belevedere Broadcast Oblivion Little Cuts Scared of Chaka The Shins Broken Knives Tijuana Carwash Wimps Brothers of the Sonic Cloth Tad Dark Matter Noise Bruce Illest Cancer Rising Mash Hall Budo Grieves Rik Rude Buffalo Springfield Crosby Stills Nash and Young Neil Young The Byrds Buffalo Tramp & V.V. Vioux Delusions Halo Benders The Feelings The Webelos Treepeople Sister Psychic The Spinanes Bundland Mr Epp and the Calculations Butt House New Fangs Butts Casy and Brian Charles Leo Gebhardt IV Dalmatians Katharine Hepburne's Voice (KHV) Partman Parthorse Don't Talk to the Cops Byrdie C-Note DJ Top Spin Great Falls Calvin Don't Jump Neutral Milk Hotel Olivia Tremor Control Chain and the Gang Cool Rays Little Wings Mt Eerie The Blow Jens Lekman Camarojuana Cold Lake Can I Be She Ra Some by Sea Canary Sing Language Arts Mr. Hill Dark Time Sunshine Ghetto Children Pegee13 Rock'phella State of the Artist (sota) Tay Sean Xperience Pearl Jam Redlightmusic Candy Snatchers Juga Hill Canon Canyon Lozen Stres The Capillaries Harvey Danger Hotels The Long Winters Black Swedes Victory Lap The Femurs Captain Fathom Cariss Kentucky Pistol Crictor Sera Cahoone Carroded Death Valley Murder Squad Castle Bandits Private Beach Cat Band Consignment Sorry Swimmers Battle Stations Girl Trouble U-Men Bottle of Smoke Catahoula Hounds Corespondents Valentine Killers Cataldo Hey Marseilles Mostly Dimes Tit Pig Hint Hint Never Ending Sorrow James Apollo Cedar Factory Girls Curious Mystery The Make Up Cupid Car Club Champion Trial Wait in Vain Dead Weight No Lord Shall Live Chaostic Magic Corey Brewer Noggin Idle Times T.v. Coahran The Trashies The Unnatural Helpers White Nights Chaz and the Mungie The Turpentines Chicharones Chidren's Hospital Grey Gardens Os Coyotes Chip and Pan and the Band Detective Agency Space Make-ah Christ on a Crutch Foo Fighters Juno Nirvana Sunny Day Real Estate The Fire Theft Chocolate Chuck Chris Walla Telekinesis The Lonely Forrest Chromatics Dog Shredder Future City Fear Treasures City Center Saturday Looks Good to Me Diminished Men Master Musicians of Bukkake Swell Santa Cruise Control Wizard Prison Clinton Feron Labrodore Dub Lounge International Reptet Clockwork Lace Cadence CMYK The Long Ranger Coachwhips Thee Oh Sees Nightmare Fortress Cock and swan Xray press Hecka Ar Saint Siren Inly Coco Coca Devenda Banhart Police Teeth Rox Scorpio Scorpio Scorpio Black Dwarf Walls Coley Cole Comely Fause Guru Confusion Park Fireants Connecticut Four Racetrack Visqueen Burn Up Cristina Bautista + Gold Parts Rude Al Skankovic The Turn Offs Constant Lovers Helms Alee Hidari Mae Suffering and the Hideous Thieves Free Jail Hecka Air Wimblefoon The Contraband Countryband Somerset Sun Vow Annie Ford and The Regulars Cosmic Pantherland Band Maldives Criminal Damage Tragedy Critters Buggin Skerik Tuatara crack sabbath Sadhappy Black Frames Palisades Sears Catalog Square Waves Crystal Skulls Kay Kay and his Weathered Undrgound Pedro the Lion Richard Swift Seldom Sufjan Stevens ships Poor Moon MK Speed Dial Crytical Dividenz Heatwarmer Shana Cleveland Sleepy Workers Thousands Lonesome Shack Glassy Globe Brown Cloud The Wild & The Innocent YA HO WHA 33 La Luz HALF GIFT Footwork Seattle Gangsta Nutt I.K. Lac of Respect Sarkastic Self Tightld Skuntdunnanna aka Mafia Twin G Young Blaze Fatal Lucciauno J. Pinder D.O.A. New Death Show The Bears Dame Damien Jurado Hoquiam Throw Me the Statue Rosie Thomas Stenobot Tony Kevin Jr. Husbands Love Your Wives Young Lions Cloud War Dark Places Amazombies Onry Ozzborne Dartk Thrown Pantera See Me River David Bavas Experience David Bazan Josh Ottum Pickwick Dead Kennedys Jello Biafra Lard No W.T.O. Combo Enemymine Dead Science Degenerate Art Ensemble Led to sea Xiu Xiu Jason Webley Parenthetical Girls Ribbons Jherek Bischoff Clouds Of Blood Dead Vampires Major Major Los Bastardos 1234 Dicky Moe Funnel Cake Eureka Farm Free Smut Ockham's Razor The Postal Service Shed Pinwheel The Ronz Deerhoof Nervous Cop Infernal Noise Brigade Buttersprites By The Orange Teleologic Delta Haymax The Blessed Light Parket Hare Porter Harp The Heavy Hearts Bone Cellar Deluxe Gentlemen Dennis The Raging Hard Ones Desolation Wilderness Fall of Electricity Destro Ziskis Forks and Knives Devo Nine Inch Nails The Vandals Weezer Diablotones Natalie Wouldn't Dillo Jamz Fruit Bats Winston Wolff Half Lights Dimmak Dimples Nirvana II Stephanie The Awesome Miami Dinosaur and the Missing Links Prison Dirty Projectors White rainbow Dissident Militia S.D.C DJ Blessone H-Bomb Narcotic Sinsemilla Figurine DOA Dolour The Traveling Mercies United State of Electronica The Sun-Ups Tennis Pro G.T. Thomas Doomhawk Pharmacy Doomsday 1999 Double Fudge Welcome Mancini Projekt Down with People Room Nine Vaporland Drown Du Hexen Hase Lamborghiniz Telemesser Hornet Leg The Gossip Lois Black Anger Arachnid Arcade Dunes Finally Punk Mika Miko Talbot Tagora Dutch Dub Ears Love Machine Uzi Rash Groups Earth Spectretone International Stebmo Steve Moore Thrones Lori Goldston black cat orchestra Low Hums Mamiffer Ham & Treachery The Stares Easy Big Fella The Dusty 45s The Drove Eighty4fly Roomates Electric Eye Lords of Light Elephant 6 Collective Elf Power Elevated Elements Eli Moore Emeralds Holy Ghost Revival Engine 54 Yogoman Burning Band Neo Explode into Colors Kickball The Whore Moans Love Tan Faith No More Fantomas Hole Tomahawk June Madrona Fall on Fall Rat Cat Hogan Fall Outs Razzle Dazzle Gang Rotten Apples The Instants The Pulses Mr Bungle Guns and Roses The Accused The Living Fastbacks Flop His Name is Alive Pure Joy Sgt. Major The Decemberists The Posies The Presidents of the United States of America Young Adult Young Fresh Fellows Tales from the Birdbath The Squirrels Three Fish Once For Kicks The Cheaters Wad Dharma Bums The Maroons Full Toilet Satisfact Fe Fi Fo Fums The Dutchess and the Duke Dawn Soul Senate Flake Music Filthy Rainbow Fang Siberian Pets or Meat Malfunkshun Vells J Tillman Peppermint Majesty Robin Pechnold The Lashes The Tea Cozies Pollens Bill Patton & The Credentials DeLorean Unwed Sailor Headphones Father John Misty Linda and Rons Dad Mint Icicles Rotundas Truckasaurus Llama Cobirds Unite Chemistry Set Seers of Bavaria Best Kissers in the World Tube Top The Germs Them Crooked Vultures IQU queens of the stone age Afghan Whigs Foscil Fratboy Carnivores Yes Oh Yes Kaleidosaur Fresh Espresso Gatsby Mad Rad Metal Chocolates P Smoov Trent Moorman Frontline Rad Touch Sistahailstorm Toni Hill Abyssinian Creole Good Medicine WD4D Gape Attack Garden Variety Tsar The Geese Gas Huffer The New Original Sonic Sound The Waiting The U-Men The Del Lagunas The Tom Price Desert Classic Gash Bugs in Amber Gazelle Generifus Temple Vibe lazer zeppelin malakait dan singa Genesis P-Orridge Throbbing Gristle Georgteown Orbits Get the Most Devotion Squirt and Combover Glacier Saint Glamour Pets GMK Go Like Hell Ronnie Porter Betty X Go Slowpoke I Love You Avalanch God Monkey Spring Break Godheadsilo Golden Pig Electric Blues Band Head Golgutham Sunrise The Jan-Michael Vincent Car Crash Gorls Nice Smile It Sound Ghost Stories Shenadoah Davis Voyager One Widower Cosmic Panther Land Band Perpetual Ritual Grayskul Greatest Hits Leif Pacemaker Rabid Poos The Downstrokes The Pop Machine Stench Mob The Life Green River Temple of the Dog Brad Deranged Diction Limp Richerds The Press Corps RNDM TacocaT Murder Dice Larkin Grimm Ricky Pharoe Sonny Bonoho Speedy Tru-Id Guardian Alien Sage The Fartz Velvet Revolver David Bowie Motorhead The Walking Papers Poor Spores Spanish for 100 Weary The Purrs Pigeonhed Steve Fisk Pell Mell Hana Sky Cries Mary Jeff Greinke Ashland Western State Hurricanes Eastern Grip Sean Nelson and his Mortal Enemies Tennessee Valley Authority Love Hotel Like Lightning Harvey Milk Haunted Lunch Head Like a Kite Zera Marvel Graig Markel The Daily Flash Army The Lovemongers Heartless Bastards Speak Wand King Tears Bat Trip Dead Zerious Joules Hardcoretet Heavy Hearts Bali Girls black panties Evening Plains Heiress Born Anchors Helio Sequence Hella Bygones Every Single Day Helladope Isabella Dugraf Jarv Dee Mikey Nice Boomzzilla Hello, Broken Aarow Huma Harkonen Hemingway Playing Enemy The Action Suits Herr Jazz grange Selfie The Religious Girls Neighbors Hausu Man Down Medic Sea Fever fences Ravenna Woods Hi Life Soundsystem Hiboy Supercommuter Team Strike Force High Beams Hot Rollers High on Fire Sleep (Metal) Iamthethorn Undertow Everything Went Black Balance of the World Hit Explosion Molasses Maktub Players Club Hog Molly Foil The Kill Me Pills Echo Locate Doll Squad Janitor Joe Smashing Pumpkins Kings English The Kings English The Knast Wildildlife Stabbings Teen Cthulu Honey for the Bears Honeymoon Killers Tractor Sex Fatality Watch It Sparkle Moppers The Black Crabs Slaughterhaus Rose Hundred Meter Trees Speaker Speaker Hush Harbor Hyena i, cordyceps Lake of Falcons H is for Hellgate Iame Requin Roareth Ian and the Barnettes Zombie IV Math the Band Patience Please sundance kids World history Slashed Tires Suretoss Illy Wonka In Praise of Folly Rooftops BOAT Mt. St. Helens Viet Nam Band can the boy tell time Eggshells Poison Ring Titanium Sporkestra TchKung Orkestar Zirkonium Filastine Mutiny Mutiny Dunava The m9 Infinite Topspin Iron Lung Society Nurse Ish Pearly gate music Saxon Shore Jack Jack Waste Yokai No Uta Jah Division M. Women Kutfather Jason White Jay Barz Jet Black Crayon Tattle Tale Julie C Knox Family Neko Case Joel RL Phelps and the Downer Trio Citizens Utilities Sun O))) Jex Thoth Wooden Wand Jimi Hendrix Dirty Mac Little Richard Joanna Newsom Johanna Kunin Vellella Vellella Bright Archer John Mcintyre John Spaulding Raft of Dead Monkeys Jon Mcinry Jordan O' Jordan Polka Dot Dot Dot Joy Division New Order Soft Cell The Smiths Blue Light Curtain this blinding light BRITE LINES Secret Plan Loch Lomond Just Like Vinyl The Fall of Troy Laura Veirs Mount Analog Onyx of Olympia The Bundles Ropin the Wind The Whip The Bronze The Hacks The Hands Katie Kate Strong Killings Wild Orchid Children Forgive Durden thomas hunter and white china gold Real Don Music Kaz Pwrfl Pwr The Trucks Kelly Stolts Kenny G Cold, Bold and Together Frank Sinatra Seven Ten Split Maroon Colony Neezie Pleaze Kill Sadie billy shook Crypts Black Hills The Moldy Peaches King Otto Shady Muff Kinski The Cops The Deflowers Count Foxy Knucklewalker Raw Nite Kurt Bloch Palasades R. Stevie Moore The Bible the moms Invisible River The Lights Lands Farther East The Minus 5 Larue P Washington Rising Son Last Slice of Butter Little Party and the Bad Business Naomi Punk Corporate Dismay Last Waltz Sex Vid Specs M. Evans Son of Rose Y La Bamba hallways Teeth of Turquoise serena tideman Leather Spunge Skribbles Viper Problem Lemonheads MC5 Leper Print Losen Sean Blouse Lethe Levi Fuller The Luna Moth Pufferfish The National Red Wesafari Light Heavyweight Little Claw Tyvek Serum Greys Solar Master Witch Gardens Birdwatchers United! Yacht Llamas The Model Rockets Lord Vintage Lync Radio Sweetheart Skin Yard Anodyne Gary Heffern Peace Love and Guitars Alta May Bone Dagger architeuthis the singulars Land Action Handful of Luvin Hot Bodies In Motion The Local Strangers Mary Lambert The Walkabouts Posse Mako The Head and the Heart Pipsisewah Sons of Warren Oats Mikey & Matty Planes on Paper Fountains Man tee Man Maniak Be Marc Olson Snapless Mark Pickerel and his Praying Hands The Tripwires Truly They Live Sun City Girls Masters + Johnson Seahouse Mayyors Night Wounds Reptilian Civilian Mexican Blackbirds GOLD TEETH Sweet Secrets Tularosa Mic Phenom Micah Hulscher and Keys to the Country Micheal Gira Swans Mirah The Blow Up Wavves Small Breed Mikaela's Fiend Summer Camp Tinsel Peeping Tom Rahzel Heather Duby Poison 13 Mississipi Infi Open Choir Fire The Vells The Troops J. Hiram Boggs and Satisfaction The Cribs Moon Rats Morrissey Steel Pole Bath Tub Tilson The Thrown Ups Valis Bundle of Hiss White Boyz The Thrown-Ups Sir Mix-A-Lot Spluii Numa Wylde Ratttz Butt Pirates Spencer Moody Cap Lori John Spencer and the Booze Explosion Murdock The Spittin' Cobras Neon Nights Navigator vs Navigator Mynah birds Rick James Slippers USA Natalie Portman's Shaved Head / Brite Futures Total Shit So Pitted The Fabulous Downey Brothers Skalami Nation of Ulysses Scene Creamers French Toast Willie Will The New Pornographers The Propanes Rat Fancy Tokyo Drifter Texas Funeral The Gimmicks Fort Hell Pet Shop Boys Freebass The Gorls Night and Days Night Canopy Night Kings Nine Iron Spitfire Ninja Boners Red Nurse R.E.M. Sweet 75 Caspar Babypants Fecal Matter meat puppets Eyes Adrift East of the Equator Television Intravenously (TVIV) The Methodists Fire Ants Color Me Gone Tic Dolly Row Redband Paundy stone crow Mico De Noche Stonecrow Nirvanasaur JR The Keeper Princess Nuclear BBQ Nyqwil Oko Yono Tiny Light Oracles Creed Pale Soul Siren's Echo Sleep (Hip Hop) Smoke Snafu Syndel Tremor Zebulon Dak Lojique One for Kicks Ononos The Cripples Ursula and the Androids Jackie and the Contol Tops Oohah ah Oragami Ghosts Webelos Tiny Vipers Taco Time Infinite Loop Pain Cocktail Slats Silly Killers Cult of Doom Dies Drear Paisley Park Premise Beach Water Island Pan Pan Great Waves Paperwhale The Dutch Elms The Hollies Hater Star Anna and the Laughing Dogs Shadow The Ramrods Citizen Dick Wellwater Conspiracy Hovercraft Eleven Bad Radio Flight to Mars Roads